Our Small Business Package - HLD Law

Our Small Business Package

We Offer Multiple Services

Our Small Business Package

Starting a business is like starting a race, a race between gaining income and reducing liabilities. If you want to win this race you need to put all of your time into growing your customer base. But here is what happens… you start thinking about the other side of the race; your liabilities. Those liabilities include rent, payroll, GST, income tax, insurance, electricity, water, internet, telepho…. You get the idea. Not only that but this could be the first time you are negotiating a lease agreement or understanding business structures. The knowledge you now require is vast and you needed to know it yesterday.

You have two options to deal with this information deficit

You Can Plod or Procrastinate

If you are going to plod through the legislative requirements, learn how a trust works, figure out if you can use images from google for your website then this will considerably set back the start date for your business. You are going to need to work through each element, understand it before you move forward… you might even get so stuck that you never start and therefore never succeed.

If you are going to procrastinate then you are likely to grow your business quickly and begin to win that race between income and liabilities. You will continue to push off formal employment contracts, you wont have checked the option date on your lease, you might not be setting aside money to pay GST or income tax. However, the day will come when all those things you should have done, such as to ensure your structure is right and your employment contracts are in place, will hit you hard. You might be hit with an unnecessarily large tax bill that you now can’t fix without paying CGT or an employee might leave taking your client database with them to their new firm.

There is a third option that successful businesses implement, delegate. The plodder never starts and the procrastinator adopts a high risk approach. Delegating your lease negotiation, employment contracts and seeking advice on your company structure will very quickly pay for itself, I think you know this intrinsically however you also know that lawyers are expensive and paying capital to a lawyer at the beginning stages means less money for wages, rent and marketing.

I understand that paying a lawyer upfront is not how you want to be deploying your capital and I want you to succeed.

Business Structuring Advice
  • Reduce your Tax
  • Protect your personal Assets
  • Protect your Intellectual Property
  • Be compatible for future evolutions of your business including bringing in additional partners or investors

And then I will implement that strategy setting up the entities and structures you need together with instructions on how to use them.

Estate Planning

I will review your existing wills and if necessary draft new wills to ensure your family is protected if anything goes wrong.

Draft Documents

I will draft the initial documents you need in your business.

  • Draw your Employee Contracts and give you with a template for use in future
  • Draw Loan Agreements between you, third parties and your business
  • Mitigate Tax threats such as Division 7A by drawing Division 7A loan Agreements so you don’t get caught for anti avoidance
Review your Contracts

I will review your contracts with third parties to make sure you don’t get hit with nasty surprises.

  • Lease Agreement
  • Franchise Agreements
  • Supply and Purchase Agreements
  • Draft your Terms and Conditions
Tax Planning

I will consider the business you are in and consider the deductions your could be claiming to ensure you aren’t paying more tax than you need to.


I wont be leaving you in the lurch if anything should happen.

My Fees

Fixed Fee of $7,000.00; Of that $1,000 upfront; The $3,000 in 6 months time; and $3,000 in 12 months time.

Small Business Package


Starting a business is like starting a race, a race between gaining income and reducing liabilities. If you want to win this race you need to put all of your time into growing your customer base. But here is what happens… you start thinking about the other side of the race; your liabilities. Those liabilities include rent, payroll, GST, income tax, insurance, electricity, water, internet, telepho…. You get the idea. Not only that but this could be the first time you are negotiating a lease agreement or understanding business structures. The knowledge you now require is vast and you needed to know it yesterday.


Product Description

Delegating your lease negotiation, employment contracts and seeking advice on your company structure will very quickly pay for itself, I think you know this intrinsically however you also know that lawyers are expensive and paying capital to a lawyer at the beginning stages means less money for wages, rent and marketing.

I understand that paying a lawyer upfront is not how you want to be deploying your capital and I want you to succeed.